Wednesday Night Bible Study
7:00 pm (Eastern Time)
Via Facebook Live @ The Great Good Shepherd Christian Church
Via You Tube @ The Great Good Shepherd Christian Church
Our Latest Sunday Morning Messages:

Our Vision
Uniting Generations in Christ, So That Together...We Can Rock This World!!
Our Mission
Providing teaching, development, and guidance to produce changed lives that will impact this world and honor God.
Our Purpose
To see believers firmly planted and growing in God’s Kingdom.

Your giving makes a difference!
Every dollar you give is linked to a life that is changed by God through the ministry of The Great Good Shepherd Christian Church. We are called by God to:
"Provide teaching, development, and guidance to produce changed lives that will impact this world
and honor God."
Simply click the Online Giving button below. Follow the instructions and fill out the template at our giving portal. You can also use the template to provide your gifts automatically on a recurring basis. Once you click on "Give," you will receive a confirmation letter for your tax-deductible gift to GGSCC.
We thank you for your gifts to this ministry in advance in Jesus' name, Amen!!
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for any purpose.